Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prefectionism vs. Progress: what I think

I just visited the Writer's Digest blog: There Are No Rules.
Jane Friedman is leading an interesting discussion entitled: Perfectionism vs. Progress: When is Good Good Enough?
Here's what I said...
Even though I would never call myself a perfectionist, I must admit that I have cringed when I have read some of my writing that is years, months, or even days old.
"How could I have ever submitted or posted that?" I've said.
What I've come to understand is that it is a fair representation of who I was a writer at that time.
I wasn't born a talented writer. I still have much to learn. Why not embrace the journey.
And as for the big "R" (rejection), I have recently learnt something that takes the sting out -- mass submissions. When you submit more than one piece at a time the odds that one will be positively received increases. An added bonus, you may even forget that you submitted a manuscript for publication. Then its acceptance comes as a pleasant surprise. Try it. It works.

I encourage you to join the discussion.
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