Friday, March 19, 2010

Stalled yet again

You know that green sweater that I was knitting? Well, I'm not knitting any longer.
Here's the deal: I was trying not to buy new yarn to knit this sweater. What I did was delve into my stash. Trouble is I didn't have enough yarn of one colour -- I needed six balls. I was short two. So I thought, Why don't I simply add two balls of variegated. Then I began my knit. I was knitting the turtleneck when I got another thought. I really don't like this. Is what I thought. So I stopped. I didn't burn my knitting. I didn't kick it to the curb. Oh, I wanted to. Oh, yes, I did. My plan wasn't working and I was upset. I was upset but I controlled myself. Now it sits taunting me. It is taunting me but I will have the last laugh I will rip it out.
What's the big deal? You ask. Just go to your LYS (local yarn shop).
Good thought. Only trouble with that is that my LYS is an hour and a half ferry trip plus car ride away.
I'm hoping that the stars will align and that I will get more yarn soon.
Remained looped...knit
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Blogger Amber said...

Oh, Leanne. Let's trade yarn (yarns, too, if you like.) I'll show you mine (my yarn) if you show me yours (your yarn.) Why am I having trouble writing without all these silly cliches? Help!

5:22 PM  
Blogger Author Leanne Dyck said...

Thank you for the offer, Amber. But here's another cliche -- if you have problem throw money at it. I'll explain in tomorrow's post. I can't wait to see you on Friday. Boy, oh boy, do I need your help. : )

9:07 PM  

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