Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank you

Yesterday I mentioned that I was working on a sweater pattern for a book I was planning on submitting. Imagine my surprise when I found my website listed on page one of the search engine Google when I used the key words writing a knitting book. I'm overwhelmed and humbled by your interest.

Now, I wonder why I was so surprised. You've always been supportive. Even though I've always written, it was you who helped me begin my writing career. It was your reaction to my blog that encouraged me to view myself as a writer. Thank you so much for your constant support.

No, mere words aren't enough. I need to do something. But what? How about this?
Do you remember my audio book NOVELTY YARN?

If not, please go to: and scroll down. NOVELTY YARN is listed immediately under YARN THERAPY. YARN THERAPY is listed immediately under MAYNELY A MYSTERY.

Some very kind readers have written some very kind things about this book.

Well, how about about if I take the best pieces from NOVELTY YARN and add to them some new pieces that I've written about about if I do that and then make this new version available to you as an ebook. How about if I do that...

You are one of the first to hear of this plan. I will post more about this project as my
plans unfold.

Well, I'm off to find a ebook publisher.

All the best

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